My Bible sits on my lap, but I am so preoccupied by where I am and where the Lord has brought me that I have a hard time focusing. I sit on the beach surrounded by the beauty of His creation - the ocean that caresses the beach with its soft blue waves and palm trees that sway in unison with the warm breeze that slightly tousles my hair. I dig my feet into the sand and let it gently nestle between my toes. I read Psalms 111:3 "Everything He does reveals His glory and majesty, His righteousness never fails." If that isn't a scripture to marvel at, why marveling at His creation and His beauty... I sit, I soak, and I enjoy His peace and His love. Pretty good start to the year if you ask me.
Another day in Paradise...
Today was fun. Went out on a tour of the sleeping giant gardens and took a dip in a mud-bath where there was only one rule - no white spots. I think I covered my body pretty well. The only bit of white left showing was a few spots on my face close to the hair line. If there was one thing I didn't want in this little adventure, it was mud in my hair. After rinsing off, I relaxed in the natural hot springs nearby. It was extremely hot and so I went from my skin being white to brown with mud to a sort of stained off white to beat red from the heat of the pool. I wasn't aware a person's skin could change that many colors in about a 45min time frame.
After our hike through the gardens and mud baths my newly made roomie at the hostel, Dina, and I were tuckered out and ready to head back to the hostel. On our way we took a detour and stopped at a beautiful Hindu Temple. We were not allowed to enter do to the lack of coverage our clothing provided (tank-tops and shorts), however we did take our shoes off to stand outside the temple to take some photos that made us look as if we had been inside to take a tour.
Back into the car and on our way. If anyone reading this has been to Mexico, you know how crazy the driving can be down there, well multiply that by 5x and you have driving in Fiji. You would think because everything here is done on 'Fiji time' so timelines are really more of a very rough suggestion of what time you should leave or be somewhere that the driving would be pretty relaxed and a bit slower paced. Well the driver may have been a little too relaxed and the speed at which he drove was nothing slow. The driving here would cause anyone to believe in God, because it is pretty much necessary to pray a small prayer before entering the car, pray in the Spirit while driving, and thank God for saving your life when you arrive at your destination safely. I think I really got close to Him on a few of the car rides here. :)
Breaks, stop, we arrive safely back at our destination. Thank you Jesus!
Until Next Time...
Becky my Becky... so fun to read of your travels. Good job on journaling, looking forward to keeping up on your adventures properly!!