Thursday, June 9, 2011

1 Corinthians 13: 4-7

I love you..what are you saying?

Love is kind and patient, never jealous, boastful, proud, or rude.
Love isn't selfish or quick tempered.
Love keeps no record of wrongs that others do.
Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil.
Love is always supportive, loyal, hopeful, and trusting.
Love never fails.

How do you love?

Until Next Time...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My God

I know it has been a while since I last posted. I have found that I am absolutely horrible at this whole blogging thing. Maybe those few readers I have can empathize with me? I have been settled into life here in Australia for some time now, but recently have begun to really miss home. I miss having my family and those who love me close by. I am blessed knowing that many of you are keeping me in your prayers; I think they are what keep me going sometimes. I have to admit that I have had a few rough days recently, and am really learning to lean on the Lord and trust Him in everything. It is definitely growing me and even moreso challenging me. I know that without Him I can't do much, and days spent without Him are much more difficult to get through ( I don't recommend it). I think right now I just feel alone. Let me clarify, not lonely, just alone with God. But, as difficult as it may seem being alone right now, that is my season and I am looking forward to what will come of it and learning to embrace it for this time in my life.

I say all this not to blog some sob story or post my feelings on the web, but instead to encourage anyone reading to continue to lean on God no matter where you feel like you are at. If I know anything, it is that my God is a comforter to the comfortless and hope to the hopeless. He gives strength to the weak and an abundant joy to anyone that will seek Him. He is a good God, and He is incredibly good to me (and you of course ;) ) . He is the truth, and He is so real, and just bragging about my God brings me the greatest joy and peace. Try it...I dare you. Just start telling Him how great He is and something in your spirit will just start to bubble over and get excited and make you want to smile. No other person can put a smile on my face like He can and I guarantee He can do the same for you.

Until Next Time...

keep smiling :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


This last week has been insane. First we started off the week with Praise Life classes, guest speakers included Patsy Cameneti, Tom Ingles, Louise Nuiss, Peter Robinson, and Mark Wilhite. I highly recommend acquiring some books, cds, or if your maybe still a bit old school, tapes, of these various teachers if you are at all interested in the topic of praise and worship. I myself am very interested and just absorbed everything these teachers had to say. Tom Ingles is responsible for the curriculum on Psalmology and his teaching is just phenomenal. (theres my plug)

On Thursday the conference started. Bright and early in the morning, and I was honored to be asked to lead worship. It was a blessing to be able to share the stage with Tom Ingles as we cheerfully sang I'm trading my sorrows. But amidst all of this (the conference and working everyday), I was actually quite sick. My throat was sore, I couldn't stop coughing and I was eating through cough drops so fast that I couldn't keep them in supply; however, each time I would get up to sing or lead I was unhindered. My voice wasn't scratchy and I was able to sing boldly in His presence, giving Him praise through every circumstance, even in sickness. I came out of that conference completely refreshed. God is good, and He is good to me. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. Anywho, each day was a battle to get there due to not feeling well, but each time I tried to give my sickness the excuse, I just knew I was meant to get there. I was reminded that His house is a house of healing, so if I were to get healed that's where it would be, and His house is a house of refreshing, so if I needed rest His house is where I would find it. In conclusion, His house is where I needed to be. At times I must admit I didn't 'feel' like it was sounds logic, but I didn't seem to care... I look back and am so thankful I was in attendance, because now I get to share with you a taste of what I received....

*Worship must be important to God, because it's the only thing He can't do for Himself. So when you do for God what He cannot do for Himself, he will do for you what you cannot do for yourself.

*God is a gentleman and will only draw as close to you as you allow. People tend to keep Him at a distance they are comfortable with, Jesus want's to get up close and personal but we must initiate.

*Worship must be important to God, because you were created for it. Is 43:21

*If you haven't made worship lifestyle priority, then you will constantly be in a state of feeling like something is missing.

*Worship is important to God, because He has never experienced a worshiper like you. We are all a unique experience to Him.

*Worship is a response to his presence, rather than trying to enter into His presence.

*Church is the locker room before the game.

*God looked for David, David looked for God and they found each other in a place called worship.

*Imagine providing something that the Lord is looking for - worship

*God can't move beyond our ignorance/lack of knowledge (it limits Him).

*The thing you communicate to others the best, is what is fresh on your heart. SO why are fresh converts so successful at reaching people? - Because salvation is fresh on their hearts. Old converts - not so fresh. To change that , praise God for your salvation and make it priority, keep it fresh - this will help you to reach others and communicate to others what is fresh on your heart (the message of salvation).

*Get into God to find out where you are going, so you are there in the Spirit before you are there in the body.

*If you want what God wants for the same reason God wants it, you are invincible.

*Jesus was not a martyr on the cross, He was a our substitution.

*Jesus is our preposition - IN Him, we can do all things THROUGH Him, FOR Him, BY Him and WITH Him.

*You don't have to argue with the devil, just know your rights.

*Many religions offer liaisons, but Christianity offers salvation.

*BLEST - original english word. Definition (1) From Blood...

*The BLOOD has been applied, your needs shall be supplied, you won't be denied.

*What is in your heart???

I could keep going, but those were just some of the things that stuck out to me in the last weeks various sessions. Some points may be brand new, others review for those reading, but nevertheless I hope you got something from this post and enjoyed reading.

Until Next Time...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

HOLIDAY or VACATION...whatever you prefer

This past weekend I went on a holidayvation. It was lovely. The water at the beach was beautiful, the sand soft like cocoa powder, and the sun was beaming in the beautiful clear blue sky. I was only gone for a few short days from this splendid city of Logan (Bogan); but it was nice to have some restful time away. In this blog I would like to share some of the wonderful things about holidayvations (this word created to please both the Australian and American crowd). Anywho, back to my list of why holidayvations are wonderful....

1. SLEEPING IN!!! Oh how I miss those days. For all who know me well, I am NOT a morning person, but here I have been waking up diligently at sunrise when morning gently peaks through my window and wakes me to a brand new day. (OK well not maybe with the sunrise, because round here that is like 5am which is ridiculous, but it did make for a better read sentence ;) However, the bright sun does wake me up every morning here in Oz, that is truth.

2. LAZINESS or what some might like to call rest... no work, no homework, no plans, no nothing. On a holidayvation you are free to do whatever your little heart desires. It is a beautiful thing, truly.

3. SEEING NEW SITES... there really wasn't too much to see where I was at, but as long as there is a beach nearby, good company to be had, and walking to be done..I'm pretty much a happy camper.

4. HAVING THE TIME TO DO SOMETHING OUT OF THE ORDINARY... I am not one for golfing, but hey why not on a holidayvation. I actually was not all that horrible this time round. I think I am getting better (for my 3rd try). Made it through 9, ok maybe 7 or at least 5 complete, holes. I think I wouldn't mind getting into the sport a bit more; even though, recently I have been informed what golf stands for - Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden. What is up with that? Who knew, I sure didn't.

and 5. EATING OUT... trying new cuisine. This time round, I tried my taste buds at chicken feet, and cow stomach. Can't say I ate too much of either, but I can at least now say that I tried them. Each certainly did not outrank my love for homemade enchiladas done all up in McKinley fashion, which I was able to have the wonderful joy of cooking up this last weekend. Superb I must say. The only thing that would have made them better was some of Kelly's corn salsa. I shall be making that someday very soon.

All in all...holidayvations, I highly recommend :)

Until Next Time...

Sunday, March 6, 2011


So I have decided that Mondays will be my blog day, considering if I attempt to blog everyday or most days I will most likely just give up on it. So this way I can still keep you updated without feeling to overwhelmed with 'blogging'. With all that being said, today I have decided I will share about my adventures in the Australian workplace.

For any of you reading who do not know, my job is working McCafe at the local McDonalds. I know, I know every mothers dream to have their daughter graduate with a degree from a University and get a job working at McDonalds, but I accept it as a blessing it being only walking distance from my apartment and a humbling experience. I mean, my new years resolution was to 'get over myself', I believe this job will easily assist in that endeavor. I find myself just thanking the Lord for an Australian income every time I find myself wiping down the tables or washing the windows that little children have put their greasy messy McDonalds hand prints all over that I had just cleaned 2 minutes ago.

In my first two weeks of work I have learned to clean the dining room area, take orders, and work the fries station. Despite popular belief, when taking a customers order you don't ask "do you want fries with that?" instead you ask "would you like to make that a value meal?" Much classier. More recently though, I have been moved to working McCafe. They trained me as quickly as possible in the other areas so I could go straight into working the Maccas coffee shop. I call that favor, and I do enjoy the work. I have always enjoyed working in the coffee business. The smell of coffee is comforting to me, and the taste of coffee is even that much better. I just love coffee! Coffee here is slightly different than back home though. People order long blacks instead of americanos or a latte but where are all the sweet flavorings?

I will sign off on this post with sharing a highlight moment from my first few weeks at work. Something that will make you all so jealous. Yes, I had the honor of being selected as the choice person to clean up the vomit in the McDonald's play area. It was a hot humid sticky day, the other person who initially was elected to go clean it up said she couldn't find it...wellll I do NOT think she looked very hard. I climbed up the first tubular shaped jungle gym piece (which really are only meant for little itty bitty children) to find something unpleasant and had I assume only become much more unpleasant as it had been sitting out there in the heat of the day for about 3 hours before I was asked to clean it. Disgusting! It was everything I could do to help from puking myself. I have never been one to eat fast food, but if there was anything that could really absolutely secure that I would never eat McDonald's food, that was it.

Until Next Time...

Friday, March 4, 2011


I have now been in Australia for two months; how time flies. I have managed to visit Melbourne, Victoria, celebrate Australia Day, eat fish and chips on the beach, go on a few day excursions to the Gold Coast, secure housing for the year, find a job, set-up a bank account, receive two paychecks, apply for a Tax File Number (TFN), obtain two roommates - Liz and Nyjame, make a few new friends, find a church, and start and complete my first month of studies at RHEMA Bible Training Center. It has been a very full two months, and every moment has been better than 'good' -a word I so often used when I was much younger to describe my sentiments about the ongoings of my life whenever my parents would ask, so that was for you momma.

My life has been moving at a fairly swift pace since I stepped off the plane and into this place known as the great 'land down unda.' Last week I had to remind myself how long I had actually been here. I remember the day I set up my National Australia Bank (NAB) account; on that day I remember thinking to myself, "oh goodness, it's official. I am living in Australia." Only last week I received my first two paychecks and was able to start paying my rent from my Australian income. How exciting is that?! Let me answer, VERY! I am believing that by April I will be able to pay for both my rent, food, and at least part of my schooling off the income I will be making here.

My roommate(s), now recently pluralized, are wonderful. I am blessed. Liz is also attending RHEMA and she and I get along very well. She has a fun, outgoing, smart-alec personality. People tend to be surprised that we have only just met a few short weeks ago when they 'observe' us together. I say observe, because sometimes are behavior only really evokes an observation sort of response from others. I don't think they really know what to think of us sometimes. Needless to say, we have a good, fun time together. However, I can't say were always the best for each other. During church a few weeks back I suggested 'dessert sundays', sunday would be our treat day, weeeellll our dessert sunday tradition has become somewhat of a daily habit for us, AND, we are not at all good at keeping each other accountable to not eating dessert outside of our designated 'dessert sunday'. Oh well, I think we will get over it. The newest addition to our house, Nyjame, is 17. She is a youngin' and this is her first year at Uni. She is nice, but we are still getting to know her so I don't have much to share about her at this point, but I do think she will be a good fit to the vibe of this home.

School has been fabulous. The teaching is incredible. Every day sitting in class from 9am - 1pm I just know it is where I am supposed to be right now. The right place at the right time. So far the classes I have finished have been on Righteousness, Foundations of Faith, and Spiritual Formation. I will be posting 'nuggets' that I have received from these classes in future posts, so stay tuned.

Until Next Time...

Goodaye' Mate ;)

Sunnies in the Rain... (Australia)

Here i am walking the streets of a land so far away from home, yet it all seems so comfortable, so natural as if this is where I belong. The sun invites me to enjoy a new day while the rain falls ever so lightly on my face, sweetly reminding me of home. I have been blessed with a little piece of something so familiar, so refreshing, and to maybe some what seems an inconvenience I acknowledge as a comforting gesture from the heavens as a welcome to my new home. The sun breaks through the clouds and gently warms the touch of my skin. My feet beat the pavement in my ridiculously thin flip-flops allowing my feet to embrace every crack in the road, every rock, every bit of this new land I am discovering. My eyes and ears take in all the new sites and sounds. Boutiques line the streets and the birds with their bolstering voices chirp over head. Sometimes I wonder what they might possibly be saying; perhaps "I'm about to poo, watch out down below!" Cheeky little fellas. I take in the smell of the fresh air and smile as I watch the tram busing people around the city. But, I walk. I am here taking it all in, enjoying this place that is foreign and unfamiliar, yet exactly where I am meant to be.


I am greeted by welcoming shouts of BULA and a small band playing some islander music, I have arrived in FIJI. The scenery here is beautiful and the sounds in the air remind me I have stepped onto new soil. Following a long day of travel, I relax in the pool and wind down before taking a seat on the beach to meet up with my Heavenly Father for some quality devotional time.
My Bible sits on my lap, but I am so preoccupied by where I am and where the Lord has brought me that I have a hard time focusing. I sit on the beach surrounded by the beauty of His creation - the ocean that caresses the beach with its soft blue waves and palm trees that sway in unison with the warm breeze that slightly tousles my hair. I dig my feet into the sand and let it gently nestle between my toes. I read Psalms 111:3 "Everything He does reveals His glory and majesty, His righteousness never fails." If that isn't a scripture to marvel at, why marveling at His creation and His beauty... I sit, I soak, and I enjoy His peace and His love. Pretty good start to the year if you ask me.

Another day in Paradise...

Today was fun. Went out on a tour of the sleeping giant gardens and took a dip in a mud-bath where there was only one rule - no white spots. I think I covered my body pretty well. The only bit of white left showing was a few spots on my face close to the hair line. If there was one thing I didn't want in this little adventure, it was mud in my hair. After rinsing off, I relaxed in the natural hot springs nearby. It was extremely hot and so I went from my skin being white to brown with mud to a sort of stained off white to beat red from the heat of the pool. I wasn't aware a person's skin could change that many colors in about a 45min time frame.

After our hike through the gardens and mud baths my newly made roomie at the hostel, Dina, and I were tuckered out and ready to head back to the hostel. On our way we took a detour and stopped at a beautiful Hindu Temple. We were not allowed to enter do to the lack of coverage our clothing provided (tank-tops and shorts), however we did take our shoes off to stand outside the temple to take some photos that made us look as if we had been inside to take a tour.

Back into the car and on our way. If anyone reading this has been to Mexico, you know how crazy the driving can be down there, well multiply that by 5x and you have driving in Fiji. You would think because everything here is done on 'Fiji time' so timelines are really more of a very rough suggestion of what time you should leave or be somewhere that the driving would be pretty relaxed and a bit slower paced. Well the driver may have been a little too relaxed and the speed at which he drove was nothing slow. The driving here would cause anyone to believe in God, because it is pretty much necessary to pray a small prayer before entering the car, pray in the Spirit while driving, and thank God for saving your life when you arrive at your destination safely. I think I really got close to Him on a few of the car rides here. :)

Breaks, stop, we arrive safely back at our destination. Thank you Jesus!

Until Next Time...

Monday, February 28, 2011

I know this post is a bit late, but I had been journaling of my adventures and thought I would share. I hope you enjoy. Now that I am all settled and have internet access I will soon be postingmore about my adventures here in Brisbane and my studies at RHEMA.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


My adventure has been put on pause. I eagerly boarded the plane that was too take me to Fiji. Welcomed by the Fijian music playing and all the stewardesses exclaiming BULA, I found my way to my seat, stored my luggage appropriately under the seat in front of me and sat. AND SAT and continued sitting for a little over 3 hours, the plane not once taking off the ground. Apparently there had been technical difficulties with the plane, specifics were not given. While not-so-patiently waiting in seat H28, buckled-up and ready-to-go, I made a new friend (whose name I finally learned about 4 hours later- Elliot) with whom I enjoyed an interesting Fijian snack mix that I would not recommend anyone ever try unless you enjoy the taste of sawdust in your mouth, about 4 cups of orange juice that were pure goodness, a slightly less than frozen turkey sandwich, topped off with hot tea and a peanut butter brownie that didn't even remotely taste like peanut butter, but hey it had peanuts in it so that must be close enough. I also enjoyed an in-flight, no let me rephrase, a grounded movie that was static on all accounts. So far, Air Pacific does not have my vote. Round 2 tomorrow...


Saturday, January 1, 2011


Each year the new year rolls around and for most that means trying our hand at, yet again, another new years resolution. These resolutions can include the ever so popular "I am going to run everyday, well at least maybe every other" or my personal favorite, " I am going to attempt to get rid of these holiday cookies and mash potatoes that have managed to take up resident on my thighs and that area so affectionately referred to as 'love handles.' " The New Year brings the hope of new possibilities and change. For me, it included moving half - way around the world to Australia away from everything I know, love, and all that is comfortable.

Packing for this adventure was a feat in and of itself, but after packing, repacking, weighing, rearranging, and repeating this vicious cycle about 3xs, I managed to minimize my life into two bags at 50 lbs each, a carry on, and one extremely large purse. HEY, a girl shouldn't go anywhere without her purse. (I must confess I nervously walked up to the check-in at PDX airport, worried that my purse may have been considered less of a purse and more of an over-sized carry on bag.) But I am happy to say, I made it through! Hugs goodbye and it finally hits - this is it, I'm on my own.

Currently I sit in the Sacramento airport, awaiting to board my next plain that will take me to LAX. I volunteered to give my seat up on my scheduled flight to take this later one, and for my good deed I was awarded a $300 voucher + the cost of my flight $152 totaling $452 I can use on any Southwest flight within the USA in the next year. In other words the Lord has not only refunded me the cost of my one-way flight down to LAX but has also funded my return flight back from LAX next December which I have yet to purchase, with a bit left over to help my mom purchase her domestic flights for her potential visit to Australia. :)

I haven't even been gone 6 hours and I have already experienced God's provision and the opportunity to encourage a young girl on my last flight. I can't wait to see what the Lord does with the next 8750 hours left in the year 2011.

Until next time....

Gday' mate.
