Sunday, September 23, 2012


I know I am meant to be retiring this blog, but I felt the need to write. I went to bed about 2 hours ago, and yet I find myself awake and restless. I can't sleep. I'm tossing and turning, my spirit is unsettled and it seems as though the Lord is calling me out of bed, "Come meet with me." I delay. I sigh. I reposition. The words from this morning's sermon keep replaying in my mind, " submit it all to Me." The word that stands out to me is not submit, but ALL. The enormity of the word continues to grow as I lay there trying to shrug it off. ALL. Everything I have, my relationships, my family, my belongings, my future, my past, my present, my issues, my worries, my concerns, my plans,... ALL. I can't shake it anymore, I know it's one of those times when God is asking me to come sit with Him. It is late; it is dark; it is silent; I am tired. I have settled from the day and it's as if the Lord is finally able to get hold of me. I think to myself, wow how often do I allow myself to go go go that the busyness of my day and the routine of my life drowns out His voice. Have I not been listening close enough? Am I still paying attention? When was the last time I went on a date with Jesus? Something I used to do regularly in College. Dinner with my Bible and notebook, so sweet, such precious moments.

I am thankful, He has called me at this moment, tonight. I know a spiritual personal challenge is about to be given. I am not only ready, I am longing for it. I grab my Bible, and one of my favorite books I have not picked up in a long time, "The Master is Calling." - Now that I think of it, how appropriate ;) I sit down, bundle up in my blanket and say, "Lord, take me to the scripture you want to talk to me about tonight."

The process - I open to Matthew, I flip through and get the number 12, and I read a verse I have previously underlined, "A tree is identified by its fruit. If a tree is good, its fruit will be good. If a tree is bad, its fruit will be bad." Recently I have been challenging myself in various areas within my spiritual walk, my attitude, my behaviour, etc (the fruit I am producing in my life). Areas that I find are always good to re-examine. (You don't just prune a tree once, a tree must be pruned often for it to flourish and grow.)  I flip a few more pages and read, "if any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross and follow me." I continue to flip to the next page Matthew 19:27 and read, "Then peter said to him, "we've given up everything to follow you. What will we get?" Jesus replied, "I assure you that when the world is made new and the Son of Man sits upon his glorious throne, you who have been my followers will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sister or father or mother or children or property, for my sake will receive a hundred times as much in return and will inherit eternal life." These three versus speak to and challenge my character, my diligence, my attitude, my spiritual nourishment, and my priorities. I have been restless in certain areas I know need work, things I need to work WITH God on rather than try to accomplish in my own efforts. Now God was reminding me, bringing me back to what makes the difference in my (your) personal growth in the Lord and addressing any area that may need a bit of pruning.

I continued to look through the book I had selected, and in the first couple pages I read a prophetic word delivered by Lynne Hammond that was exactly what I needed to hear.

"I said you'd be changed in My presence, saith the Lord. If you have not experienced change in your life, if your old ways are still prevailing, if your old man is still in evidence, you have not spent the time with Me that I desire. It isn't a matter of self-control or disciplining your flesh with no help from Me, saith God. If you'll spend time in My presence, you will be changed. Your pattern of life will be changed. Your old man will begin to pass away. Your new man will begin to rise in the image of My Son. Your life will begin to bear much fruit. The evidence of your walk with Me will change as a result of spending much time in My presence.

If you're having trouble getting rid of an old habit, if you're having trouble with your marriage, if your family relationships aren't changing, you're not spending the time with Me that would enable that change to come to pass. Your desire and the motivation of your heart to walk uprightly before Me is a product of becoming so close to Me that you do not want to bring hurt to Me.

In natural relationships, when you love someone, you want to do the right things for them. You don't want to hurt them. Well, as you spend time with Me, saith God, as you spend time in My presence, We'll develop a relationship that is closer than any earthly relationship. It will shape the pattern of your living. You'll want to conform your ways to My Word simply because it's the desire of your heart. Your life will change; but it will be a product of your spending time with Me."

I put down the book, and I think of all those areas of change and growth I want to see in my life; I sense the Lord whisper to me with such firmness yet gentle sincerity, "Submit it ALL to me. Start with your time."


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A New Idea my attempts to restart my blog I threw together the current idea and theme of this blog. In the last week I have decided I don't care for it too much. I feel like the theme makes me want to write long and boring posts, therefore, I have come up with a new brilliant plan inspired by my current 30 day fitness challenge. Over the weekend I will be starting up an entirely new blog entitled, "30 Days Of      (Fill in the blank)    ". Each thirty days will be a new challenge. I have learned through doing my self-driven 30-day fitness challenge that 30 days is really not that long. I think writing about something like that will be much more fun for me to write, and much more fun for you to read.. I hope. I figure not many people have really read my blog thus far, nor have they attached themselves to my "Living Script" theme, so I figured it would be OK to retire this blog. For all of you that do read this blog, please do subscribe to my newest blog when it comes out and follow me on my various 30-day challenges and join me if you want, or recommend challenges you may like to see me take on. Thank you for those who have supported this blog, the whole 2 posts I wrote, and I look forward to my new challenge "30 Days Of...." . I guess you will have to subscribe to find out what the challenge will be.


Saturday, September 15, 2012

Body before Baby

Recently I have set out to reshape my body. We all have that 'dream-body' we wish we had and I have decided I am going to go for it. I can talk about it, wish for it, and want it so bad that I just begin to be disappointed with the body I do have, which I don't think is all that bad to begin with, but unless I actually DO something to get it all my wishin' and hopin' is a waste of time and energy. Therefore I have titled this blog, Body before Baby, because in this new season of my life I realize that baby's, although a few years down the road, are in my future and when that day does come I know my body will no longer be just my own and will go through a stretching, changing, weight-gaining process. So, before my baby body, or my post wedding let-myself-go body, which I refuse to let happen, I am determined that I WILL work at and be committed to reshaping my body into that dream-body I have always wanted. Why not? This will probably be the easiest time in my life to get it. I know I can, just as you can if you want. As women we are always picking ourselves apart, criticizing our bodies, and focusing on those little imperfections that only we see. Anyone relate? We can complain as much as we want and it won't get us anywhere. If you want, join me. I will be talking about this body shaping journey I am on in blogs to follow.  I would love to share and swap healthy recipes, or awesome workout tips/regimens with anyone who is interested. It always helps to have people encouraging and sharing their little tid-bits of knowledge along the way.

To date, I have changed the way I eat to a more gluten free, limited dairy, low-fat, and fairly organic diet (This has been a several month, slow changing process. Changes are allowed to be gradual so don't get frustrated). I am finding it very exciting to try new recipes, and getting more creative in the kitchen. Also, I'm realizing that I can eat fantastic, eat sweets, and keep out all the refined sugars and fat. Who knew?! People always think you have to completely deprive yourself in order to be healthy, but I eat raw homemade chocolate probably every week. Super easy to make and it includes no refined sugars or bad fats, and now I can have a guilt-free chocolate fix. I no longer feel constrained to a few dinner recipes either, trying to cook healthy doesn't have to mean salad for dinner every night; I am learning that there are so many options. I have recently re-discovered the Central Market here in Adelaide, my new favorite place, where I can buy fresh produce and many gluten-free options are available for bread products. I can also check out an the awesome Asian market that is super cheap, and buy all my healthy cooking/baking needs at a whole-foods store called 'goodies and grains' that I am 100% in love with. The most fun part of this whole experience is discovering all sorts of foods I never even knew existed. I am also learning healthy tricks such as freezing bananas and then a couple days later blending for a healthy soft serve ice-cream. I am not defining my eating habits as vegan or vegetarian or raw, but if I needed to be classified it would be 'clean eating.' I feel great.

In addition to my new eating habits, which I know will become a new life change I will keep with me and one day pass on to my children, I have challenged myself to a 30-days of fitness. For the past 14 days I have worked out each and every day. (I feel like if I can make it through 30 days, I can do this) I have mixed in cardio, weights, bikram yoga, running, etc. I do many workouts at home, you don't need a gym. I recommend subscribing to various youtube fitness channels (some of my favorites are Amanda Russell, Livestrong Women, and Tara Styles Yoga). I have compiled my own variations of workouts ranging from 45 min- 1.5 hours or so. Each day is a little different and I never really know what to expect. There is also this awesome site called RandomAbs, check it out!!! Everyday they have a new ab routine to do. I will be starting my next 30-day challenge at the beginning of October, let me know if you want to join!!! This month I am just easing my way into things, trial and error testing, and will bump up the intensity next month and hopefully help you to gain from my experiences of this month. I can feel my body changing, and am proud of myself each and everyday when I check off another day of workouts on my black board as done. I know I am doing something good for my body, and each day I eat well and work out I am one day closer to my goal. That dream body! Setting a 30-day challenge is something reachable, achievable and encourages me to keep going. After 1 week you don't want to give up because you are already seeing changes and you have accomplished so much by working out for a solid week that its not worth giving up at that point. Everyday I remind myself why I'm doing this, who I am doing it for, and the life benefits I am making for myself. In the grand scheme of things how long is 30 days out of our life anyways. Right?

Let me know if you want to join me on this body transformation journey. Maybe for you it is post-baby, post-marriage, or just getting off the couch ;) Let's do this!

                     Today's Healthy Little Treat...made up in 2 minutes.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Face Lift

As all my readers know, that is the very few that I have, I am not the best at blogging. I have lacked the discipline to keep it up to date and post current exciting news. I am wanting to change that. I have for sometime considered starting a new blog, but instead I decided to give my old blog a bit of a face lift, or more of a complete make over really. I have changed the name, the layout, the font, most everything.

I have been going through many changes in my own life and I figured I might as well include my blog in the mix. Becoming more disciplined in certain areas of my life is one of those changes that has been stretching me, challenging me, and  changing me for the better. Every now and then it is good for each of us to take a look at ourselves and see what areas of our lives need a face lift. I was finding that I was in dire need of a few life nips and tucks.

In the past few months I have reconsidered and evaluated my eating habits, devotional commitment, fitness regimen, balance between creating a life here in Australia and keeping connections with home, and my emotions, to name a few. I can't get into all the growing pains of each of these areas right now, but it's all good. I never want to become stagnant so change and/or improvement are always in the front of my mind. Not saying I don't love who I am, but as I said I am not one to become complacent. I am always thinking future, future, future, the what-ifs, the how-to's, the where to go from here, always on the next step; I am learning to be more present...and there you go, another area I am working on. I find it to be a positive that we are ever-changing, ever-recreating ourselves. There are no limits to us, and God does not limit who we can be. Sometimes it's the little areas that go unnoticed that need a bit of reshaping. 

In the next several months I hope to share with you my journeys in many of the areas I stated above, and most likely more that I discover along the way. I am sure that many will be able to relate to my experiences and those things that make our lives unique, our living scripts that have been written by such a loving God so extraordinary, each different and each completely 100% individual. I have learned to appreciate my life script as wonderfully uniquely my own, designed just for me; to compare it to another is a waste of time. I challenge you to do the same.  

I have been so blessed to have been molded by my family, my friends, my faith, my God, and my extremely wonderful life for the past 25 years, and though these factors still shape me today as I continue to be blessed by all that I have been given in this life, I know that my story is not over yet and changing is necessary. God is good and He is good to me. He continues to write, and re-write the drafts that I so mess up sometimes, but I know I am in His hands and by the end of my story, the script that we have produced together will be amazing.

Please leave comments, encouragements, insights, advice, anything and everything. I hope you like the new blog and enjoy reading.
